A Workout Secret to Cure Your Last Year Fitness Blah
Are your thoughts of last years fitness goals making your cringe? Did the thought of new year resolutions make you want to come up with excuses about how you don’t believe in them? –Ok, so maybe that one is my own. Yes, I am not someone who sets resolutions and since striving for success with my personal business, I have only used the start of a new year as a reminder that I need to reflect on what accomplishments I made throughout the last year. I often hear how we are so caught up in our everyday lives that we forget to celebrate our accomplishments…and I am one such person who is guilty as charged. Think about it. When was the last time you celebrated because you had quit drinking soft drinks, or added that glass of water to every meal? Those are small, but they should be celebrated and the turning of a new year is a great time to do this. You can then, begin the next year with a clear head about what other positive changes you could begin to work on. With a frame of mind like this, it will be much easier to get on with a fresh new year that will absolutely surpass last years fitness and wellness goals…and that, is a workout secret all on it’s own.
Let’s get real…
It isn’t a workout secret that you must be in the right frame of mine to make the changes desired to achieve that fit, healthy and sexy YOU waiting to reveal itself. Am I right? It can simply be a pain in the ass the get started and I have learned over the many years of working with women (with and without children), that we are not making the time a priority. Uhhh, yeah. That’s it. Create a date, a regular date with yourself that revolves around, oh, let’s say, a workout! Or anything that will get you moving.
There are quite a few moms here in town who are addicted to the crossfit gyms and I always see people walking, jogging, biking and I have even seen people on those kangaroo shoes. You haven’t seen those? They look like roller blade boots that have a large oval shape attached to them. You are then free to run around bouncing. My point it, find what works for you and Make. It. A. Priority.
I am too busy to get to the gym…
That’s ok because even this momma rarely hits the gym. I do however, have a fun little set-up in my home office. I know the next comment, “I don’t have room for gym equipment in my house.” I’ve gotcha covered on that one as well. Honestly, with all of the new gadgets, high-tech tools, new workout fads. My workout secret to you, is to get yourself some simple, basic equipment.
- yoga mat
- stability ball (or just use a household chair)
- 3lb, 5lb & 8lb dumbells (or just start with the 3lb)
- resistant bands
- workout gloves (I like to wear mine especially because my weights are bare iron and can sometimes cause rough hands).
- beautiful journal (This can be store-bought or self made. If you are following me on Pinterest, you will see that I have started a board that has great ideas for journaling).
- a water bottle you LOVE
- ooh! Wait! I can’t believe I forgot this one…get a cute workout outfit! (Yes, I have seen this many times over, that motivation sparks when we have something cute to jump into).
You know what you need…let’s get started!
Warm up -> Begin by warming up with some simple jogging in place or running up and then walking down your stairs (this is top of mind for me, because I will often start a workout this way). Do this for about 5 minutes, being sure you are feeling a light sweat. If you are not, then continue for 5 more minutes.
The workout -> It’s never too early, or too late, to get shapely arms, right? So this workout will help get you there! Psssst…and guess what? It’s a quick burn to add to any workout or to simply do on its own when you are pressed for time.
- lateral shoulder raise: Hold one light dumbbell in each hand, at your side, palms facing your body. With elbows slightly bent, lift arms up, hands will go above your head; slowly return back to starting position and repeat for 12-15 reps. Be sure with any of these exercises you gauge the weight you are using to match what you are comfortable with. You should feel a good burn (not pain) while you are coming towards the last 2-3 reps.
- horizontal shoulder raise: This exercise is similar in the general movement but instead of moving your arms to the side you will raise them in front of you. Your palms could either face the ground, or slightly towards each other. Repeat this for 12-15 reps.
- horizontal shoulder raise with palms up: With this move, you are again working the shoulders but keeping your palms facing up. This move will get a little bit or your biceps and triceps involved as well so be sure to really control this move. By this point, you may only be able to perform 10-12 reps and that is ok! Just be sure to stop once you begin to lose good form.
Bonus moves: Who doesn’t like a little extra on those days when time is perfectly aligned and you are not feeling rushed? ME! ME! So add these moves to the above after you have completed 3 rounds. Be sure to grab some water, stretch a little bit and then continue with 3 rounds of the following exercises; complete one set of each exercise per each round.
- balancing tricep kickbacks: Begin by balancing on one. Keep your head up, bring your arms to your side, bend at the elbows. Your upper arms will stay at your sides while you push back and extend, straightening out your elbows and squeezing your triceps. Bend elbows again, and repeat. Continue for 12-15 reps for one complete round.
- seated tricep dips: Using a bench or chair, place fingers over the edge and move your weight foward. Lower yourself down towards the floor, pause for a beat and then move back up to the starting position. Repeat for 12-15 reps. (sorry no video here!)
Cool down -> Stretch it out to release the tension and improve circulation. Stretching not only brings the heart rate down but it will also help to reduce inflammation and soreness throughout the next 48 hours. (IMPORTANT: If your soreness lasts longer than that, gets worse, or just doesn’t feel right to you, please, seek medical attention). Hold all stretches for 10-30 seconds.
- Stretch the back by standing with your feet about hip width apart (or what is comfortable for you). Hold your fingertips together with palms facing out; round out your back, draw your belly button in and hold this curve for 15-20 seconds.
- Stretch the chest by clasping your hands behind you. Move your hands back and slightly upwards. Gaze out in front of your body to feel the chest stretch.
- Stretch the shoulders by crossing one arm over in front of your body. Using the opposite arm, gently pull your elbow inwards and hold. Switch to the opposite side.
- Stretch triceps by placing your hand on your upper back, and using the opposite hand, gently pull your elbow towards your head and hold. Switch to the opposite side.
So there you have it. I hope you will find this to be a great addition to your workouts or as a quickie to get over the guilt of missing your workout. Just make it a priority and be consistent!