What to Do When You are Stressed Over Time
Oh my goodness, do I dare ask the question? Do you find it difficult to find the time to exercise? Believe it or not, I am right there with ya! In our busy lives as moms we are caring for the children, taking care of the household, the husband and then there are many of us who are heading off to the office or tackling a home-based business. We barely have time to sit on the toilet much less think about fitness. Ladies, I know I am about to tell you something you already know:
We need fitness.
I know for myself, because fitness has been an integral part of my life for so long, I am cranky when I miss a workout. Toss in the days when I have overlooked food (yes, I do that too), and you have a lioness on your hands. On some days, a workout does not have to be a full blown trip to the gym. As I hope you have seen here, on this site, many of my workouts are ones you can easily do in your home as long as you have a few dumbbells, stability ball and maybe a yoga mat. When we are active our minds are relieved of the stress we are feeling and endorphins begin to flood our bodies. According to a post on LiveStrong.com, we only need 20-30 minutes for endorphins to kick in. Some experts even say a mere 10 minutes of vigorous activity can ignite endorphin release. Regardless, it will make you feel better. So even when you are stressed over time, or lack there-of, get active!
On those days when I have either overloaded my schedule or have been a complete procrastinator (yup, been there too!) I will throw together a few moves. My intentions are to get through a set so that I will come to the conclusion to just keep moving. Yes, that will happen too: perform the exercises with intentions of only doing one set, to then find yourself wanting more.
Try this one on for size
Power Push Up Plank – squat down, jump legs back into a plank, hold plank for 8-10 seconds, then do 2 complete good push ups. Bring your body down to the floor.
Then go directly into:
Superwoman – (yea yea, well I call them this because we are not superMEN, right?) Lift your legs up off of the floor simultaneously with your arms which are extended out into your superowoman flying mode. When you are in the up position of the superwoman, hold it for a count of 10-15 seconds, come all the way down for a beat and go up one more time for a count of 10-15 seconds.
Roll over on your back for bicycle:
Bicycle – remember with this exercise to keep your heads up at all times, do not rest it on the floor, if your neck cramps then bring your chin in to your chest a bit more or bring your upper body up more into a position more like a V-sit; do a total of 20 reps which will be 10 per leg.
Complete this at least once and keep going until the kids break something. I’m kidding. Honestly, if they are of walking age, they will want to join you, especially if you crank the up-beat music while performing. Oh, which is just another aspect I would love to address: get a playlist!
Are you on Spotify? Comment below and we can connect. This way you can grab mine.