The Many Excuses We Make
I know, life just gets hectic. You don’t always have to be a mom, a dad, working or not…we all have our own stress and stressors but really, seriously moms, when are we going to learn to get things prioritized? I am guilty, too. There have been so many times regarding this very blog that I said, “well, I guess I will wait until the kids go back to school,” or, “It just doesn’t feel right at the moment.” Then one day I was listening to a training regarding the dance that goes on in our minds, with exercise in particular, and the speaker says, “The fact is, you are never going to ‘feel’ like.” Meaning: get out of that comfort zone and just get it done. Will you join me in reducing the many excuses we make?
I had once watched a series on where she had offered podcasts, a series of such, with Bob Greene. One in particular asked the listeners to ask themselves, “Am I worth it?” I thought, really? Of course I am! So I ask you that very same question, ARE you worth it?
Of course you are worth it, especially if you do have children, a spouse or significant other, a brother, sister, a friend, who relies on you. If we do not take care of ourselves, how can we possibly be there for others? A little story about myself and another great reason why I feel it is important to keep moving forward with whatever your current goal is. In conversation with another mom and business owner, I was asked, “what is your fuel? How do you keep going forward even with setbacks?” I hesitated a moment and then said, with tears welling up, “My daughter.” Yes, I have a son too, but this world is rather crazy and it is important for me to portray an attitude and lifestyle that will encourage my daughter to go for her dreams. When you think of a child’s life and how they go about their days, do you see them making up excuses to ‘not’ try out that new gadget sitting on the counter, or ‘not’ heading out into the big back yard to explore their unknown? They naturally feel they are worth it because they have not been tainted with garbage we adults have gotten all our lives.
Here are some questions to ponder regarding exercise. Now keep in mind: You. Are. Worth it!
- How many times a week would you ideally like to work out?
- How many times did you in this past week?
- If you did not, what was your excuse? Or should I say, EXCUSES?
- Do you know what you should do to keep those excuses at bay?
Think about what is going to be happening in the next few months of your life. For instance, maybe your friends have been talking about a local 5K, or a class reunion, a special party at your spouses work. Whatever it is, this is your way to get it down on paper. If you are like most women, you want to lose a few inches in the waist or get shapelier shoulders for the bikini or sleeveless dress.
Then, think of one way that will get you there. Next list three things/ideas that will lead you in this direction. Ok, I know, a bit confusing! Look at it this way then:
A typical scenario could go like this:
I. I want to fit into my “skinny jeans” –yeah, I’m a SATC girl!
A. Lose 10 pounds to fit into them!
1. cut back on the fast food (you could get even more critical here and say you will only eat it once a week).
2. Walk with a friend, your child, the dog, after lunch!
3. Eat more fruit and veggies to fill up! -an added bonus, since you are focusing on more fruit and veg, you are less likely to eat the fatty, heart clogging, junk!
4. Drink a full glass of water upon waking! –ok, so I said three things to get to the goal, but I just had to add this! It is important to get the whole system working first thing! And starting the tank on full with pure water, is one of the best beginnings!
Not too elaborate on my example of goals and breaking them down into simple steps, but thats what you want to do. Keep it reasonable. You know yourself! Write it down! Find a cute little journal, or decorate a mid-sized notebook with pictures that will inspire you! –Remember doing that in high school!?? It was fun! So make THIS fun!!!
Once you feel you have successfully made those (as in the example above) four bullets a habit, write down new ones!! Be sure to re-visit your initial goal/picture/idea. And make sure you are making relevant and attainable mini goals to reach the big one!! 🙂
Now go out there and reach your goal!! Stop making excuses!!