Your Simple and Effective Way to Sexy Shoulders
If you love tank tops, strappy dresses or simply want to look great for a vacation of bikini time, then you will want to check out this simple and effective shoulder workout.
During June, July and August, it is HOT! Do you head to the beach? Ohhh…the dreaded swimsuit. And maybe for you, its not so much the abs and the butt. Do you look into your mirror and see an odd looking flab of skin waving back at you?
You may hear that it’s the triceps you need to target; yes, it is. But always remember that there are other surrounding muscles that must be worked as well in order to get that sexy shape you desire. No matter what time of year it is, or what vacations you have on the calendar, when we add weights to a workout we are also building strength -with kids, we need it! So grab your handweights + water, and let’s get going.
Warm Up
Although anything can be done for a warm up since the main focus is to increase your heart rate and get circulation pumping, we will begin this shoulder workout with some exercises that are similar to the workout exercises to come.
Arm circles: Simply stand upright and perform arm circles forward and then back. Repeat for 10-15 repetitions each way.
Reach across: This is just like the old fashioned warm-up move for aerobics. As you reach your right arm forward and across your body, towards the left, you will step your right foot out towards the right side of the body. Switch right into the left arm as you reach to the right, across your body, your left foot will step out towards the left side of the body. Repeat for 20-26 repetitions.
Plank jacks: From a plank position on your hands, jump your feet and legs and out as you would do with a jumping jack. Jump feet back to the center. Repeat this in and out movement for 10-15 repetitions. By the end of this move, you should have a higher heart rate and by ready to start the workout below.
The Workout
Shoulder Press: Holding dumbbell in each hand, right around shoulder height, contracting abs and knees soft (do not lock out knees). Bend at elbows and on the exhale, slowly lift the dumbbells up over head until elbows are straight. Shoulder blades should be pulled down and back, wrists are neutral. Inhale and being weights back down so that your elbows bent and weights come back to shoulder height. Continue through these motions until you have completed 12-15 complete repetitions. Move on to next exercise.
Lateral Raise: Hold dumbbells at your side, or slightly in front of you. Raise upper arms to the sides until your elbows are shoulder height. Your elbows will be slightly bent. Bring arms back down to your side and repeat this move for 12-15 repetitions. Move on to the next exercise.
Upright Row: Holding dumbbells in front of your body, palms facing your thighs. Pull dumbbells up, to the front of your shoulders, elbows out towards the side. Your wrists will begin to flex and that is ok. Lower and repeat for 12-15 repetitions. Move on to next exercise.
Horizontal (front) Raises: Holding dumbbells in hands, in same position as upright row. On an exhale, raise arms to a horizontal position in front of your body. Your hands will be slightly above your shoulders. Inhale and lower to start. Repeat this movement for a total of 12-15 repetitions.
Stretch and Cool Down
Sit on your knees with your arms on a stability ball. Reach and stretch to the right, count to 10 and then reach to the left, count to 10. Reach forward, center, and count to 10. Finish with the butterfly stretch and five deep breaths.
Shedule your next workout now!
This is one of your best defenses to keeping on track so take out that calendar now, even if you are not yet sure what workout you will be doing. Check back here for ideas and as always, email me or comment below if you have any questions.