Reflect and Review, Finish the Year Strong
I grew up watching my mother, with nearly an everyday occurrence, tune in to Jane Fonda’s 20 Minute Workout. Check it out, I love it!
Surely that has a lot to do with why I have made fitness a natural part of life since the age of 17 (I am 40 now). I guess I would have to ask her for a definite answer but I am fairly certain that she was consistent with her personal commitment of 20 minutes a day in order to achieve a life of health and beauty. These last few weeks I have found myself wondering, “what is it that makes some people successful with their goals and others not?”
Do you have healthy and fitness goals? What about other goals such as shutting down from all electronics at the end of the day or even a larger goal such as starting a new business? Are you keeping up with those goals? When was the last time you sat to reflect and review?
We are all guilty of the soon-forgotten resolution or goals. I can fully attest because one such goal I set for myself, and my business, was to become consistent with videos. Sadly, that lasted only a few short weeks. Recently, while listening to one of my favorite podcasters, she mentioned how we simply get caught up in our day-to-day activities and are consistently telling ourselves, “I will start on Monday,” or “once the kids get out of school it will be easier,” and even further on into the year we are saying, “once school starts I will get back to the gym or start focusing on my business.”
Sound familiar?
Did you know we are already more than halfway through the year? Yikes!
So, how are you on your personal quest towards achieving your goals? Will you reach them by the end of the year?
What are they? Are they big goals, or several smaller ones?
Did you set goals that are really not reasonable? Or did you simply not write a plan to follow and revisit periodically? If not, your goals most likely just became even harder to visualize without that planned pathway. Not to mention, as I am sure you have heard multiple times, if the goal isn’t even written down somewhere, through a snazzy app or simply written down amongst the pages of a hand written journal, it is simply just a thought.
Let this post be your wake-up call and allow me to help you realize your goals once again. Are you ready to reflect and review? I already did and actually as I am writing this, I am taking breaks and going back to my worksheet to tweak what is in store for the rest of my year. You too can use my worksheet. Find it here, print it out and let’s get started!
A few thoughts before we start:
- Don’t forget that part of your plan is to plan for obstacles.
- Be reasonable with yourself and if your original goals need to change, then go for it!
- Grab an accountability partner. What about a girlfriend or a business partner? They have goals, too! Send them the link to the worksheet and work together.
You always want to begin on a positive note so think about all the things you have achieved this year, so far. Everything counts at this point, even if it was keeping the dishwasher empty. For myself, a big goal I accomplished was getting my office in order. I still have a few things left but those are design tidbits such as whether or not I should get some window treatments.
Now, think back to your original planning time. Was it the beginning of 2015 or maybe you are simply working on your business quarter. Whatever time frame you are in, think of those goals you had originally set and write them all out. Or, maybe there were goals that you simply thought about, and never really recorded them. Jot those down too because they meant something to you if you were thinking about them.
Here’s the part I struggle with: think about what happened throughout the year that veered you in the opposite direction, and away from your goals. I had to take a break at this point in my worksheet, so if you need to, come back to this later – or maybe this is the time you could chat with your accountability partner. Sometimes, simply talking about what is on your mind will help you to see more clearly.
Finally, figure out what exactly you would like to accomplish by years end and get out that calendar. Give yourself some benchmarks to offer at least one additional time to sit, reflect and review. ->It may be your last chance so don’t leave it out and always remember:
Goals written down = goals typically reached!
Grab your 2015 reflect and review sheet now and end the year with an amazing and beautiful impact.
Don’t forget to share below. Your struggles may be the same as a fellow reader and I would love to be able to help out, so definitely ask.