Motivation Can Be Fired Up With a Strong Why
Looking back on many changes of my life thus far, setting realistic goals and physically writing them down, have always been two key ways of actually reaching the goals intended. But even I know that something sounding so simple, is not so simple or easy, for everyone. What I also know is that when we really know why we want to reach that goal and set forth a date to reach it by, it can be easier to rev up the motivation.
So I was reading this article the other day, from The author, August Turak, began by explaining how the CEO of Truliant Federal Credit Union, feels in regards to the power of WHY, “People will accomplish any what if they believe in the why.” From creation, this corporation has had a strong mission of enhancing its customers quality of life. This IS their why and it is known and embraced corporate-wide. And it’s their strong why that has kept them going strong for several years.
Turak then goes on to talk about one of my personal favorite presentations of ‘why.’ This particular TED Talk is called The Power of Why, and it is presented by Simon Sinek. Oh my goodness! Have you watched this? Ok, let me rephrase this, “do you want to achieve that goal or what?” If your answer is a resounding Yes! then you had better hit that link above and watch away. A lot of this is corporate and business-based but when it comes to a person’s personal best and self motivation, power-house Tony Robbins will echo those thoughts. He too, feels that the power of why ALSO prevails in all things you strive forth in life: better health, better marriage, raising children, building a business and more.
So what does this corporate mantra have to do with a fitness, wellness and motivation blog?
What is your WHY behind your desired change?
Sit back and think about what you want. What are you trying to achieve? Is there an upcoming event or maybe that family photo shoot you have been planning for months? Have you just gotten through a rough time in your life, want to start fresh and make those healthy choices a new, life-long lifestyle? Maybe you are just sick of being tired all of the time and want more energy to play with the kids and go on family outings. Do have a desire to look great in a bikini or fit into those jeans you swear you just wore last month? This is all part of your why, or rather, as Danielle LaPorte calls it, your goals with soul.
Who wants this goal? Who are you doing it for?
I personally and professionally feel that there’s one answer…and it’s 3 letters…YOU! You need to be the priority, the reason behind the goal that is motivating you to move forward. Even if its a medical reason or your family is part of the reasoning behind it, when you really look at it, it IS you who has the final word towards that change and that goal. I have seen many times over, through my education as well as professionally with clients, when someone else is the center around the change we want to make, our efforts dwindle much quicker.
Grab the calendar, get the dates written down and start planning.
Tony Robbins says, “Where focus goes, energy flows.” Precisely. So take a look at the calendar and note the date that you are going to hit that goal.
Let’s take a fitness goal as an example (hmm, go figure!). You want to lose 20 pounds in 10 weeks because there is a family reunion. Go to that date on your calendar and write in the event name. Now doll it up with colors, hearts and flowers because I want your eye to gravitate towards it when you look at that calendar. THAT is your focus and THAT is where your energy is going towards. In addition to letting those around know your plan, get your plan on the calendar by moving backwards from the goal date.
- Write out your (fitness) plan. Figure out when you want to work out, at the very least. Make that date with the gym, walking outdoors, in your home gym, swimming, whatever you love and know you are going to do. You can hire a personal trainer or even follow an online program. Just get it down on the calendar.
- Plan your meals. Think about it, do you eat healthy when you don’t have anything planned? You are starving and don’t have the chicken pulled out from the freezer…are you going to wait for the chicken or are you going to grab something quick such as a bowl of nachos and salsa?
Yikes! Plan my meals? Yeah, I know its not an easy task. Here are a few tips to get you started:
- Be intentional about it and set that date to meal plan. Is your best time to plan at the end of the week or the beginning? Is it best on a Saturday morning or after the kids are in bed on Thursday night?
- Grab a pen and paper or your favorite organizing app.
- Write down your families top 3 favorite meals. Figure out what you can add in order to make them even healthier than before and search Pinterest for some yummy ideas. (I have some great ones on this Pinterest board).
- Place them on the calendar so everyone knows what will be served.
- Go get that food and start prepping!
Pick a day and get out there!
Meaning, get started now! I love Mondays, true thing. Mondays are a sign of new beginnings and to me its like a weekly restart. You can learn from yesterday and just get started on the right foot. So take this Monday by the horns and plan to get started now. Find your passion, find your WHY.
Ok, so here’s the deal. I want to learn what you do to keep motivated. Or do you struggle to even get motivated? Comment below and share your thoughts. You never know if it will help someone else towards their healthy lifestyle goals.