Ginger Mango Coconut Smoothie
After a weekend of running activities as well as the run itself, you may think I would be “run down.” No way! Especially when it comes to living so close to the beach. Since my initial move to Florida in ’96 I have grown to love the beach more each year. And now, since our move to south Florida, I am so much more in love.
During these last few weeks of school, both kids will be at school for drama on Tuesdays and Thursdays until 4pm. What does this mean for mom? Morning beach runs! I found that I have plenty of time to run, shower, work on meal planning and still have time to formulate a new run recovery smoothie. Yesterdays mix was fresh ginger, mango and coconut water! Check it out!
If someone asked you what your favorite smoothie combos are, what would they be? For me, when I am looking for something as a recovery, or even before a workout, I like to go with coconut water since it is more like, well…water! Although I am not a cow milk drinker, I do love my almond milk. As a matter of fact, I use it so much with smoothies and baking that I buy it at Costco since it just makes more sense when it comes to grocery budgets.
My favorite add-ins:
Frozen mango and frozen bananas make it nice and frothy without sacrificing the taste. Using ice can make a smoothie taste more watered down, don’t you think? Speaking of bananas, I forgot I had added in half a banana to this one as well. Nearly always, I will have frozen bananas on hand, and again, bananas are another Costco buy for me. I will buy 2 bunches, one I allow to ripen for freezing and another for my son and husband since they love eating them as snacks.
How should I add my ingredients to the blender?
Add the liquids first, such as milk, water or all-fruit juices. Follow up with any powders, seeds, nuts and other things such as nut butters. More towards the top of ingredients placed in the blender, I will add fruits and veggies. I may also use a bit less liquid than initially indicated in my recipes so I may add more if it becomes too thick. (I love my smoothies thick, but not like soft ice cream so being able to add more liquid is a safe route for me).
Speaking of add-ins, do you use ginger in your smoothies? I actually just started and I found a few ginger bits in the bottom. Not that it is a bad thing, I love my ginger, but I wouldn’t have been able to share this one with the kids if they were home since they prefer it completely mixed in.
So if you have a secret to smoothie-making, please share! I hope you enjoy this combination of ginger, mango, and coconut water for a refreshing recovery…or simply a start to your day!
Ginger Mango Coconut Smoothie

- 1 cup coconut water
- ½ cup frozen mango (cubed)
- ½ medium frozen banana
- 1 inch knob of fresh ginger (sliced and peeled)
- 1 serving vanilla protein powder
Starting with coconut water, add each ingredient in the order listed to blender. Mix well. If a thicker smoothie is desired, simply add ice or more frozen fruit.
Remember when adding more of any ingredient, the taste will surely be altered from the one I made and love!