Spoilage of Food….or not??
Ok, so maybe I can be gullible too! But after listening to a fabulous webinar this afternoon, I am still shocked over the little knowledge that many people have regarding foods spoiling. I did grow up watching my grandmother can tomatoes, tomato sauce, pickles (yummy butter pickles!!), and probably others that I really just cannot remember. I had a mother who baked from scratch for our sweet tooth cravings, an Aunt who always had a home flowing with Italian food scents all day long to the finally much anticipated dinnertime gathering!! And I certainly cannot forget my maternal grandmothers home smelling of yeast and then freshly made bread–that quite frankly would never spoil because we ate so much of it! (mmmmmmm…..!!!)
So, sure, maybe I did not realize it growing up, but now looking back, I could easily see that the food which was prepared would spoil and mold if improperly stored or if it did not get eaten within a certain time frame.
I currently have a hamburger and fries meal sitting on the counter just wasting away, no one to eat it…no, wait, its NOT wasting away! Its hard, but still intact, not a moldy spot in site, not crumbling…eek!!
Dr. Fergus M. Clydesdale, Distinguished University Professor and Dir of Food Science Policy Alliance, Dept of Food Science, University of Massachusetts Amherst, says about processed and preserved foods, “They have rarely seen a spoiled food-bread, fruits, vegetables, meat or fish….Therefore, they don’t understand how a food stays stable and safe nor why they should be concerned about it.”
So, what am I trying to prove? First of all, that the webinar was great, especially for those who are dietitians, looking to find new ways to educate patients/clients. But I am also trying to prove that although we live in a time starved nation, we need to try to add more meals that are made at home; food without the preservatives! Pull out those cookbooks, and embrace what our mothers and grandmothers did for us!! But just be sure to make it wholesome and healthy! (thats a whole new blog post!)
I know, my “fit and fabulous mommas,” that it may not be as easy to do at first, but taking it one day at a time, one MEAL at a time, you will find it more manageable. For some more reference, check out the modern mom blog, and weelicious blog! They are FABulously loaded with ideas for home cooking that is healthy, full of nutrition, but keeping time consciousness in mind!
And to add more wholesome nutrition, check out the most researched nutriceutical “alive” here: www.fitandfabulousjuiceplus.com
Have a fit and fabulous day!!!