Meditation is Motivating
Although it may seem like there is barely enough time to finish our daily lists, it is especially important to gift yourself with a moment of “me” time. A great way to do this is through some form of meditation and with consistency you could:
- Encourage a self compassionate attitude towards change
- Switch on genes that help fight inflammation and protect the body from cancer
- Kill diseased cells
- Combat depression, anxiety and stress-related disorders
- Increase fertility
- Physically model to your children a better way to handle stressful situations
- …and the list of possible benefits continues!
1. Relaxation:
One way to get started is through practicing relaxation. A relaxation method is simple to begin and can be done just about anywhere, anytime. It begins with you and can be practiced even during our daily chores, such as folding the laundry and putting away the morning dishes. Diaphragmatic breathing is one such calming, or relaxation method.
- Inhale slowly through your nose, allowing your stomach to move outwards, while your chest stays still, not rising.
- Exhale through your mouth, allowing your stomach muscles to tighten and fall inward, while your chest remains still, not rising.
- Repeat as often as necessary
This is a technique that needs continual practice to begin to feel comfortable and you may even find it tiresome at first. I found I felt anxious at first, but I soon found my groove and now have worked it into my yoga practice.
2. Resources/Books:
What are some other ways to get started with a daily meditation practice? Thinking about the habits that are already a regular part of our days should clue you in on one important aspect: repetition. I especially love a book by Gabrielle Bernstein.
Although there are deeper meanings within each chapter and each section within the chapters, the main object of this book is to take you through daily meditations of one minute in length. I found myself sitting for more than a minute rather quickly and it was one of those times in my life that I really made a commitment to make it happen. I saw changes in myself and the way I handled challenges.
3. Classes/Yoga:
Although this may seem like a “duh” kind of point, I feel the need to address it since it may not be on the forefront of possible ways to begin a regular meditation practice. If you think about it, a large majority of yoga classes will have a more relaxing music track, you are shoeless, in a quiet area of the facility and you are always cued into proper breathing. When you are in a yogic mindset, you are more apt to be able to get into a meditative mindset.
4. Guided Meditations/YouTube:
One such guided meditation group that I love is through Deepak Chopra’s website. I love this because he explains many aspects surrounding meditation such as setting up your place of meditation and why your practice needs to be right for you (such as the mere fact that you do not have to sit a certain way). I love the background music and way he guides you through the first few moments where you are then free to “roam” into your own being.
5. Start Small:
I began with 1 minute meditations and I started a few years ago (yes, with the aforementioned book). Currently, I am at 15-20 minutes. I can honestly say that I have not been consistent throughout those 2 years, but when I am meditating several days in a row I am more relaxed, have a clearer mind, have an AMAZING nights rest, and find that I can tackle more during the day.
I firmly believe, just as with eating healthier, exercising, or building a business, that if we are consistent with our efforts, large or small, our successes will shine. If you make a point to meditate daily, even if it is a single minute, you will find that you are looking forward to that next meditative moment and it is highly likely that you will see so many positive outcomes you will strive for consistency in other areas of your life.
Yes, meditation, IS motivating!