How To Know It’s the Right Goal
So I have just recently begun a class regarding business and building my little my empire. Naturally, one of the top subjects is goal setting. I can honestly say that because I am preaching it to clients, business prospects and team members, hearing it in podcasts, my children’s teachers and their running coach, it can get almost annoying at times. BUT, I know how important it is. For one thing, I would not be a Registered Dietitian if it were not for my strong beliefs in goal setting and getting them in writing. Yet, I see it as a challenge sometimes for myself as well as others, finding ways to pinpoint whether it’s the right goal or not.
In my experience, when I have taken the time to sit and think about what is important to me, what I already have on my plate and what is going to move me closer to my bigger goal, I find I am more successful at attaining what I set out for. What’s even more of a home run is when I have written it out in some way, electronically or the old fashion way.
Let’s take my example above. Quite a few years ago, I had been planning a wedding, worked full time as a receptionist and part time at a fitness facility. In addition, I was going to school for my bachelors degree. I knew I was determined to finish my degree and I certainly would not have accepted the diamond ring if I didn’t want to get married. So, in order to take a bit off my plate, I quit my receptionist job and continued on with everything else. Eventually, the part-time job had gotten in the way of school and after the wedding we had talked about children.
I sat and really thought about this one. I literally wrote down and weighed out my pros and cons of quitting my part-time personal training job. I also spoke to my husband about it all. Together, based on my goals and my written out personal debate, I decided it was time to work on school full time and quit my job.
That, my friends, is one of the best goal setting decisions I have made to date.
The way I had come to my conclusion, is very similar to the way I am currently being taught. I love my time spent outdoors in my backyard or at the beach with the waves crashing. These are the times when I am able to hash out what I am looking to accomplish in the quarter I am currently working. And this type of thinking, or systematic way of planning, is what I feel could help you with your personal health and wellness goals. Check this out:
What is your goal?
Now, why do you want this? What drives you and what are you willing to do to get there? Let’s take it further, thanks to Danielle LaPorte and her amazing book, The Desire Map.
How will it make you feel?
I knew how I would feel after finishing my degree and it often would come to mind on those days when I just wanted to throw in the towel. Thats what kept me going. I also knew I had my husband on my side since he was the one who gave me the final “ok” to quit my job.
And when we know it will make us feel amazing, beautiful, accomplished, powerful, excited, happy (enter your desired feeling here)….after attaining that goal…thats when we know it is the right goal. So, what do you want? Share below if you feel so compelled. I would love to know!