Get Fit Now With These 10 Free Printables
Back in 2000, I decided to enter a fitness competition. Using a journal was my most critical step in getting my competition fit physique.
At that time they were just beginning to bring in the bikini category so I didn’t have to perform a crazy stunt routine-phew! But what I did have to (perform) was a fairly strict lifestyle: super clean food (with what food I did eat), uber effective workouts (lengthy as well), lots of sleep, lots of water, reduced stress levels…you name it, I recorded it, studied it and analyzed it.
I worked darn hard at it, too. In order to analyze and improve upon the perfection, I had to keep a record of everything, a journal of sorts. So I found one to print out, punched the pages with a 3-hole puncher and sealed it off in a 3-ring binder.
This should be your 1st step to a fit physique:
Journal, journal journal! I don’t know about you, but I actually prefer to use a creative method with a pencil and a piece of paper (or many). Don’t get me wrong, I use a handful of great how-did-I-ever-live-without-them kind of apps. But there’s something fun and therapeutic about hitting the paper with my thoughts. I love to see things as a “whole” and it’s not easy to do that on a device.
When it comes to all those beautiful journals and printables, I’m not quite the expert at creating them. I am fairly particular about the ones I use and love, in regards to how they look, as well as what they contain. That’s why I have searched for some great ones to share with you here, today!
Oh! And these I am sharing with you do not require your email(at least at the time I am publishing this post; Spring 2016). Simply click the photo you see here, go to the site, print off and get journaling.
1. From TheMommadiaries
UPDATE: Although this was a great one, I have deleted the link (2018) because it is not longer a valid website. I love this journal sheet because although it is simple, it is super adorable and really has everything you need for nutrition, fitness, hydration, goals, quote of the day, and just life in general. What I REALLY like, is that the priorities to list are only 3. I believe that although our to-do lists are long, we should only focus on the top 3…AND, put them in your schedule for the day. Ok, so maybe I REALLY like another aspect of it: it has a section for gratitude. Being abundant in gratitude is so important especially when we are trying to make a change.
2. From Simple as That
UPDATE: Although this is still available (2018) you are asked to pay a small fee. Ok, so here is another one that has everything needed to keep organized, healthy and on track with your goals. Because my intentions were to find fitness and nutrition journal pages, this fits the description. I also like that there is a timed schedule to you can jot down what time your workout is, when dinner prep is and also put other important things on your schedule such as ME time.
3. From Spotebi
UPDATE: If you previously downloaded this sites journals, good for you! They were much better before this set. Either way, it is still free. What I love about these is their fresh, clean look. Sometimes with too many bell and whistles, things will get even more confusing and then we find we are not sticking with our goals. Clock in that workout so you won’t forget it. There are lots of choices on this website so definitely check it out for your fit physique planning pages.
4. From Strawberry Mommycakes
Update: Although this is still available, it is no longer free (2018). They are charging a small fee. Here’s a colorful one for you. I love that there is a water tracker on the meal plan as well as having your grocery list along with the meal plan itself. This way you can always see what you are eating in hopes to always remember everything. I also love the goal setting area on the health goals sheet. It’s a great way to keep it at the forefront always.
5. From Botanical Paperworks
I simply like this one because it is super cute and since I have kids, it could be something fun for them to use, too.
6. My Un-entitled Life
These journal pages are full of color and are easy to customize. There is plenty of space in the weekly meal planner to add all ingredients needed so you could easily take this to the marketplace with you. If you are a calorie counter, there’s even space for that. Towards the bottom of the workout page, there is plenty of space for other thoughts such as how you felt before and after your workouts or maybe some thoughts about what could be changed next time.
7. From Creative Savings Blog
UPDATE: Yes, this is still there (2018) but they are asking for your email in return. This is simple and a great meal planning sheet especially if the concept is new for you. Sometimes it can be overwhelming but when we simplify it, it suddenly becomes a do-able task.
8. From The Happy Housie
UPDATE: Yes, this is still there (2018) but they are asking for your email in return. A simple journal page for food. Simply map out some ideas from Pinterest on the right (thats what I like to do and how I teach clients!) and then place them where you would like on the left. There’s also another printable for the shopping list.
9. From Squawkfox
This journal printable is awesome! It has everyday of the week and includes an area for your thoughts at the beginning of the week. This is great because knowing what your plans are in the beginning as well as when the week comes to a close can be key to making those massive changes.
10. From my Pinterest journaling board
On my Pinterest board called Fitness Goals Journaling, you will find other ways to keep track of your goals, workouts, meal plans, and everything in between. Not all of these are free, but so many are great! Get journaling and reach those fit physique goals.
So there you have it! I would love to know which one is your favorite. Please comment below and let us all know!