Bikini Worthy Fitness Move
It’s getting closer. Yup! Summertime! Ok, so maybe Spring did just blossom but in South Florida we are already getting gearing up for summer. And, when you are looking to achieve that bikini worthy body, there is no better time than now to get crushing it. Throughout the next 8 weeks I am going to share some of my favorite fitness moves, recipes, motivational tips and while we are on the subject, some of my favorite bikinis and summertime fashion. Be sure to subscribe to my e-newsletter because I am also going to share some tidbits that I will not be sharing here or anywhere else in the social media world. So without further ado here is one of many, bikini worthy fitness moves.
You grab your sunscreen, water bottle, healthy beachside treats, favorite lounge chair, large umbrella, hot gladiator sunglasses and juicy beach reading material. Let’s not forget that amazing new bikini that hubby has no clue how much you spent on it, thanks to the success of being a mompreneur! Toss it all into that fabulous beach bag you just couldn’t pass up on your recent trip to the Keys. Call the girls and grab the best seat along that teal blue waterside, right by the lifeguard hut. Uh-huh…that spot right there.
Ok, now its reality time. I am thinking that most of us are also adding the kids snacks, grabbing that special kid-friendly sunscreen, the beach toys, listening to the kids screaming and yelling over who is going to use the new shiny shovel you had found packed away from that not-so-recent-move to a new neighborhood. Ugh! God help me to keep my composure!
Honestly, thats the easy part. Don’t you think? What’s difficult is getting and maintaining that bikini worthy body. Many of us have the challenge of 2-3 different tastes when it comes to food choices and when you are working towards a bikini body you know your food choices need to be clean and close to nature. And what about time to fit in that workout? Between the kids school work, volunteering at the school, sports on nearly every day of the week, hubby’s work schedule that tends to take him out of town a few weeks out of the month, your essential meetings with potential clients or maybe its your daily trip to the office that is already causing you to be up early and ready to head out once the kids are dropped off at school. I know. I get it. That alone is enough to make anyone put up the “I surrender” flag.
Deep breath in.
Hold it.
Let it out.
It’s rough. I know. And I know this because my daily scenario is quite similar to the one shared above. So how do I keep up with it all and still maintain a fit physique? By taking it day by day and playing around a bit with my schedule as well as different fitness moves, meal plans and supplements. Do not fret. I am determined to share as much as I can here, during our 8 weeks together. I hope you will find it informational, inspirational and helpful. Please do not hesitate to contact me here, via the site, my Facebook page, Instagram or even Twitter. You can find all of those links above, at the very top of the page. And don’t forget to subscribe to my e-newsletters!
This move below, is a great way to work many of our troubled spots: abdominals, glutes, arms and back. Be sure to jump around for a few minutes beforehand since there is a lot of weight being placed on the upper body as you walk out, push up and walk back, all while remaining on one foot. Once you have completed 12-15 repetitions per leg, repeat for a total of 3-4 sets. If after one complete set you find it has gotten too difficult, then stop. The last thing you want is an injury or a pulled muscle causing pain. Also, if you are under a doctors care, be sure to get clearance, especially if you are still within the 6-8 week postpartum stages. And in general, you should get a physicians clearance if you are not a regular exerciser to begin with. I am working with you, but not beside you. So I cannot help you to correct anything I see that may require medical attention. Sorry. Just covering my bases to keep you safe and me free of liability.
Ready to get to work? Let’s go!
Jackie, this is great! Please sign me up for the newsletter!
Will you share a new move every week for eight weeks? Should I try to do the challenge push up everyday?
There will be at least one workout per week, other tips for what to do on the remaining days, as well as meal ideas. I would not do the challenge push up everyday. You will receive an email soon about more specifics. Also, not all of this will be shared here or on social media. Thats why it is great you signed up for the email! 🙂
Thank you Jennifer! I will add you the newsletter list.