When is the Best Time to Workout
There are many aspects that come into play to figure out when is the best time to workout. My thoughts are not all science based and really have a lot to do with your personal lifestyle and goals.
At one time when I first started working as a personal trainer, back in ’98, we had always encouraged our clients to workout first thing in the morning. Ultimately that was just because you get up, get to the gym and your day continues without the worry of when you would workout later that day. Yes, there was also the school of thought regarding workouts in the morning being the best time for burning more fat. Don’t get me wrong, I do feel that for some people it may be their ticket to a 6-pack, but these days, there are other many other ideas I recommend taking into consideration to finding your sweet spot. Here are just a few.
When is the best time to workout?
Let’s think about this. You are an individual, right?
Your body is different than the girl next to you on the treadmill, right?
But what else is different is your lifestyle. Take a look at what you did over the course of the last 24 hours. Pretty crazy huh? Maybe a morning workout would be ideal to her, but for you it’s all about getting the kids breakfast, backpacks set and driving them to school. Not to mention the dog, your husband and getting YOU ready to head off to work.
Be particular and find the right time that will fit into your schedule.
Time on the clock is one thing, but what about pick a time when you know you will have the most energy? Is it first thing in the morning before the family starts rustling or the dog needs to go out? Is it while you are on your lunch break? So in accordance to your schedule and energy levels, pick the time and right it down now. An even better idea is to schedule it in your electronic calendar or that adorable planner you snagged at the craft store.
What about lifestyle in general?
Do you have a family or a job outside of the house? Do have one vehicle and need to have someone else drive you places? Maybe you need to drive someone to school, work or the market. Are you the one who does the cooking, cleaning or homework assistance? This will all need to be considered when it comes to figuring out when your schedule will offer you the time that will become a habitual and consistent date with health.
Do you need food to fuel your workouts?
If you need to workout on a full stomach then you’re probably going to do better with your workouts later in the day after you’ve had a meal or two that has (naturally) had time to digest. Going this route will surely offer you more energy. If you are that person who loves to workout on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning may be a great time for you.
Are you looking for an accountability partner?
Simply stated, when you need that certain someone to motivate you to get to the gym or out for that run, well, then your timing will need to be negotiated with them as well.
Other things to consider or think about?
When you are working out in the evening and the workout brings you outdoors, be sure to think about your safety. Maybe find a partner or keep the workout indoors.
If you feel like you want to just curl up and relax at the end of the day, working out in the morning may be better for you. Not only will it be done, but this will rev up your engine, so-to-speak and give you more energy to make it through the day.
Let’s sum it up:
So there are a lot of things to consider and my thoughts here are really just skimming the surface. Check out this video I had recorded as part of my 30 day challenge late 2016. If you would like more guidance on a fitness plan that will work for you, please comment below or send me an email. I would love to help you out.