Who Else Wants a Reset Button?
“I had good intentions to work out after I dropped the kids off at school but then I was called by the teacher to help out.” “I was going to make baked chicken to go along with the brown rice and veggies left over but I had to work late and it was much easier to grab some take-out.” “I just don’t want to cook after a long day.” “I am going to start my new program on Monday because I already at those cookies.” Ok ladies, are you ready for the reset button?
Trust me, I have been there and I know there will be other days. Why? Because I am a mother, a wife, housecleaner, entrepreneur. –>I. Am. Human. And yes, I love my reset button! It is so refreshing knowing that I am not alone since I am asked about this often. Do not beat yourself up ladies. There truly is a way to reset and I am here to help you get back on the horse.
1. Recognize it.
Yes, it sounds simple but if you have messed up (for a lack of better, nicer words) you simply need to say it out loud. This allows you to free up space and really gives you peace of mind so you are better equipped to start fresh.
2. Reflect on accomplishments.
Don’t be shy here. I am giving you permission to praise yourself. I know that you have many things you have accomplished up until this point. Have you started that book? Did you handle your boss’ nasty attitude better this last week? Were you able to get the kids to school on time this week so far? How about this one: you drank water at lunch instead of the diet soda or maybe you enjoyed one glass of wine instead of finishing the bottle with dinner. No matter how big or small, fitness or life related, realize that you are a success in many ways and this one mishap should not derail you forever or for extended periods of time.
3. Restart now!
Oh my gosh, please do not wait to hit that reset button. Get started now on your positive progression towards your goals. All too often I hear people saying, “I ate those french fries and that burger. I know it was not good for me so I guess I will just skip that workout today.” Um, wait…what? That is all the more reason to workout. It will make you feel better, lighter, accomplished. Yes, accomplished, because you will have proven to yourself that just because you made that food mistake, it doesn’t mean that everything needs to go to waste.
Ok, so now you may be asking, “How can I hit the reset button and start fresh now?” My favorite way to do this is to stop whatever it is that I am currently doing and go through some type of mental clearing exercise. This can literally be exercise, where you get out and go for a walk, or maybe your mind will clear up with a full blown workout at the gym. You could try calling a friend who you know is purely amazing and always uplifting or if you have a pet, go grab that fur-ball and give it love. Oooh! Speaking of love, grab the kiddos and just smother them with kisses because you will get many in return (along with tons of giggles). My favorite (well, 2nd to the kiddos kisses) is to pop in my headphones and go through a 5-10 minute mind clearing meditation. A few of my favorites come from Gabrielle Bernstein and Brendon Burchard. Gabby’s you can find on her website as well as in iTunes podcasts. Brendon’s is found in his podcast as well and it is called Release Meditation Technique, released on August 17, 2014 (yeah, it can be a pain sometimes to scroll through podcasts, so at least you have an idea of what you are looking for).
Bottom line: Be prepared and know what you will do in the event that you need to hit that reset button so you can get right back to business. Ladies, you already know what to eat. You know the exercises that are part of your pre-planned workout. You know the clients you were supposed to be speaking with. You know that second glass of wine will only give you a headache tomorrow. You know. So, now it is time to just recognize the mishap, know you are awesome and get back on track.
How do you handle things when you have fallen off that wagon? Please share because your strategy just may be someones golden nugget!